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Road Map

This document will guide you where to start and what to do next.


Before we get started with our Road Map, let's talk about some terminology that we will be using throughout the documentation.

  • collection: A collection is set of documents in database, in SQL databases it is called table.
  • document: A document a set of data that combined in one object, you may visualize it like a json object, a document is a single record in the collection, in SQL databases it is called row.
  • field: A field is a single property of a document, in SQL databases it is called column.
  • query: A query is a request to the database to perform an action, in SQL databases it is called query as well.
  • model: A model is a class that manages a collection's document.
  • schema: A schema is the blueprint of a collection in the database, it defines the fields and their types.
  • aggregate: An aggregate is a pipeline of stages that perform a set of operations on the documents in the collection.
  • CRUD: CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, Delete, it is a set of operations that can be performed on a document in a collection.
  • pagination: Pagination is a technique to split the results of a query into multiple pages, it is used to reduce the amount of data that is returned from the database, this is useful when you have a large amount of data.
  • explain: Explain is a method that returns information about the query execution, it is useful for debugging and optimizing queries.
  • upsert: Upsert is a method that updates a document if it exists, otherwise it creates a new document.

Now let's get started.

1. Installation

Of course you would need to install the package first. You can do that by following the installation guide.

2. Connecting To Database & Configuration

Next, we need to establish our database connection and set the package configurations, you can do that by following the connecting to database guide.

3. Basic CRUD Operations

Now that we have our database connection established, we can start doing some basic CRUD operations. Let's start with the most basic one, creating a record.

4. Understanding Models

Let's start with the most important part models.

5. Aggregate Framework

Now that we have a basic understanding of models, let's move on to the aggregate framework.

7. Advanced Concepts

Dive deeply into the advanced concepts of the package.