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MonPulse introduces a Blueprint class, this class easily allows you to create indexes on your collections. You can create indexes on a single field, multiple fields, and compound indexes.

Creating a new blueprint

To start using Blueprint, create an instance of it and pass the collection name to the constructor.

import { Blueprint } from "@warlock.js/cascade";

const usersBlueprint = new Blueprint("users");

Creating a new index

To create a single field index, use the index method. The first argument is the field name, and the second argument is the index options.

await usersBlueprint.index("name"); // creates an index on the name field

This will create an index on the name field. The index name will be users_name_index to be easier to follow the naming convention.

If you want to specify a custom index name, pass it as the second argument.

await usersBlueprint.index("name", { name: "users_name" });

Creating a compound index

To create a compound index, use the same method, but pass an array of fields instead of a single field.

await usersBlueprint.index(["name", "email"]);

This will create a new index in the users collection on the name and email fields. The index name will be users_name_email_index.

Again, you can specify a custom index name.

await usersBlueprint.index(["name", "email"], { name: "users_name_email" });

Creating a unique index

Similar to the index method, you can use the unique method to create a unique index.

await usersBlueprint.unique("email");

This will enforce only unique values in the email field, if email is duplicated the index will throw an error.

Creating a text index

A text index is used to search for text in a collection. To create a text index, use the text method.

await usersBlueprint.textIndex("name");

Text indexes are useful when you want to search for text in a collection. For example, if you want to search for users by their name, you can use the text index.

Creating a Geo Index

A geo index A.K.A 2dsphere index is used to store geo data in a collection. To create a geo index, use the geoIndex method.

await usersBlueprint.geoIndex("location");

Any index method can create a single or compound index. For example, you can create a compound text index by passing an array of fields to any index method.

Index Options

Any index method receives two parameters, the first one is for the column(s) that will be indexed, the second one is Index Options, so you can freely use it as well.

Dropping indexes

Dropping indexes are similar to creating them. To drop an index, use the dropIndex method.

await usersBlueprint.dropIndex("name");

Drop unique index

To drop a unique index, use the dropUnique method.

await usersBlueprint.dropUnique("email");

Drop text index

To drop a text index, use the dropTextIndex method.

await usersBlueprint.dropTextIndex("name");

Drop geo index

To drop a geo index, use the dropGeoIndex method.

await usersBlueprint.dropGeoIndex("location");

Drop all indexes

To drop all indexes, use the dropAllIndexes method.

await usersBlueprint.dropAllIndexes();

Listing indexes

To list a collection indexes, use the listIndexes method.

await usersBlueprint.listIndexes();

Check if index exists

To check if an index exists, use the indexExists method.

await usersBlueprint.indexExists("name");

Get indexes information

To get indexes information, use the indexInformation method.

await usersBlueprint.indexInformation();

This will return an array of indexes information.


Read more about what is being returned from the MongoDB documentation.

Truncate collection

To truncate (Delete all documents) a collection, use the truncate method.

await usersBlueprint.truncate();

Drop collection

To drop a collection, use the drop method.

await usersBlueprint.drop();

Get collection stats

To get collection stats, use the stats method.

await usersBlueprint.stats();

This will return an object with the collection stats.


Read more about what is being returned from the MongoDB documentation.

Get collection size

To get the collection size, use the size method.

await usersBlueprint.size();

This will return the collection size in bytes.

Get Indexes Size

To get the indexes size, use the indexesSize method.

await usersBlueprint.indexesSize();

This will return the indexes size in bytes.

Get total size

Total size equals the collection size plus the indexes size. To get the total size, use the totalSize method.

await usersBlueprint.totalSize();

Get document average size

To get the document average size, use the averageDocumentSize method.

await usersBlueprint.averageDocumentSize();

avgDocSize method is an alias for averageDocumentSize method.

Count documents

To count documents in a collection, use the count method.

await usersBlueprint.count();

The blueprint function

If you want to instantiate a blueprint for a collection, you can use the blueprint function.

import { blueprint } from "@warlock.js/cascade";

const usersBlueprint = blueprint("users");

Which internally creates a new instance of the Blueprint class.