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Localization (also known as internationalization) is the process of adapting a product or service to a particular language, culture, and desired local "look-and-feel."

Localization In Warlock

Warlock supports localization out of the box, it heavily depends on Mongez Localization.

How it works

As you already now know, Warlock autoloads many files automatically, including the localization files.

To declare a localization file, go to the src/app directory and inside any module (folder) create utils/locales.ts file.

For example:

import { groupedTranslation } from "@mongez/localization";

groupedTranslation("users", {
username: {
en: "Username",
ar: "اسم المستخدم",

Warlock will import and configure the localization files automatically.

Now you can use the username key anywhere in the application as all localization files are loaded automatically before the application starts.

Localized Data

A localized data considered an array of objects, each object contains two keys:

  • localeCode: The locale code, for example en or ar.
  • value: The value of the localized data.

This approach is used widely in Warlock and MonPulse as well.

Typically, you may want to use it in the output files, model casting columns and validation rules localized rule.

An example of a localized input:

"name": [
"localeCode": "en",
"value": "John Doe"
"localeCode": "ar",
"value": "جون دو"