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Check if the input value is unique in the database.

This rule is a database dependent rule. It requires a database connection to run against the input value.

The validation rule requires a value to run against the input value.

For the time being, this rule does not support custom string rule, so the rule class must be called directly.


// ...
import { UniqueRule } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "../models/user";

createAccount.validation = {
rules: {
email: ["required", "email", new UniqueRule(User, "email").insensitive()],

The insensitive method is used to make the value case insensitive.

If the second argument is not passed, then it will be matched against the id field.

You may also pass the collection name instead of the model class:

// ...
import { UniqueRule } from "@warlock.js/core";

createAccount.validation = {
rules: {
email: [
new UniqueRule("users", "email").insensitive(),

Unique Rule with except Condition

Ensure that a given value unique in a collection, while also allowing the exclusion of documents where a specific field does not match a specified value. This is achieved using the except method, which skips documents where the specified field equals the provided value.

// ...
import { UniqueRule } from "@warlock.js/core";

createAccount.validation = {
rules: {
email: [
new UniqueRule("users", "email").insensitive().except("isActive", false),

Except current user

You may also validate the input to match a unique value, except the current user's value, in this case use exceptCurrentUser method:

// ...
import { UniqueRule } from "@warlock.js/core";

updateProfile.validation = {
rules: {
email: [
new UniqueRule("users", "email").insensitive().exceptCurrentUser(),

This one is useful when you want to update the user's email, and you want to make sure that the email is unique, except the current user's email.

Perform a custom query

You may also perform a custom query to validate the input value using query method:

// ...
import { UniqueRule } from "@warlock.js/core";

createAccount.validation = {
rules: {
email: [
new UniqueRule("users", "email")
.query((query) => query.where("isActive", true)),

Array values

If the input's value is an array, it will be checked against the database using the whereIn method: