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Auth is a very important part of any web application, Warlock embraces API that provides a simple and easy to use API to manage users and authentication.


Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, so when a user logs in, we need to verify that this user is who he claims to be.


As warlock embraces API, it uses JWT as the main authentication method, so when a user logs in, a JWT token will be generated and sent to the user, and the user will send this token with every request to the server.

How it works

First off, we need to generate a JWT (JSON Web Token) for the user, this token will be sent to the user and the user will send it with every request to the server.

When the user sends a request to the server, the server will check if the token is valid, if it's valid, then the user is authenticated, if not, then the user is not authenticated.

User Management

We can generate a JWT for logged in user, but also could be generated for Guests.

Warlock deals with guests as normal users, but with a special role, so we can use the same API for both guests and logged in users.

So the cycle with Guest users is as follows:

  1. For first time visit, Guest token is generated and sent to the user using for example /login/guests request.
  2. Any public request will require at a JWT, either for guests or actual logged in users.
  3. When the user logs in, a JWT is generated for him and sent to him.
  4. The user will send this token with every request to the server.
  5. When user decides to logout, the token will be deleted from the database by sending a request to /logout endpoint.