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JWT stands for JSON Web Token, it's a standard for creating access tokens that can be used for authentication.

Generating JWT

Access token are tightly coupled with users models such as User and Guest which both should extends Auth Model.

The Auth model has a generateAccessToken method that creates and store the access token in the database related to that user.

Manually generating JWT

If you would like to generate an access token away from the Auth model, you can import jwt object from Warlock

import { jwt } from "@warlock.js/core";

async function main() {
const token = await jwt.generate({
id: 1,
userType: "user",

This will generate a JWT for the user with id 1 and type user.


JWT is generating using Fastify JWT so any options supported by it can be passed to the generate method.

Verifying JWT

To validate a JWT, you can use the verify method from jwt object.

import { jwt } from "@warlock.js/core";

async function main() {
const token = await jwt.verify("token");

Storing Access Tokens

Kindly note that jwt.generate does not store the access token in the database, it just generates it, so you need to store it manually.

By default Warlock has AccessToken model that is being used by Auth Model to store the access token in the database.