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Warlock works out of the box by auto-loading all necessary files to be loaded automatically with no need to import them manually.

Here are the files that are being auto-loaded in order:

  • src/config: All files inside this directory will be loaded first.
  • src/main.ts: loaded after importing the configuration file
  • src/app/main.ts: loaded after the http server and database connection is warming up (But not yet connected)

These are the main files that are being loaded, now let's see what happens inside each module.

Loading modules

As mentioned in the previous chapter, each directory inside the src/app directory is considered as a module. Warlock will try to locate and import the following files from each module:

  • module/main.ts: this file will be loaded first if exists.
  • module/utils/locales.ts: this file will be loaded after calling module/main.ts if exists.
  • module/routes.ts: this file will be loaded after calling module/utils/locales.ts if exists.
  • module/events: this directory will be loaded after calling module/routes.ts if exists.

Module localization file

As mentioned each module has a utils directory, inside that directory Warlock will try to find locales.ts file and if it is found it will be imported.

Module routes file

This file will be called after calling module/main.ts and module/utils/locales.ts if exists.

The file is responsible for defining the module routes either grouped by middleware, or using restful resources or just basic routes.

Module Events

The events directory mainly handles all events that needed to be called when certain events are triggered, it's very essential concept you should use in any successful and scalable application.

Loading events can be done via two ways:

  1. If the module/events has an index.ts file. then the file will be loaded.
  2. if the module/events has no index.ts, then all files located inside the events directory will be imported.

Autoloading Ordering

Please note that the order of the modules is very important, the modules will be loaded in alphabetical order, so if you have a module called users and another module called posts, then the posts module will be loaded first.