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Generating files

In the next chapters, you'll see more of creating controllers, restful classes, models, repositories and output files, these can be created manually or using Generator Z.

Generator Z

Generator Z is a VS code extension that helps you to generate files easily, it's a very powerful tool that will help you to generate files with a single click.

It generates many types of files, including Warlock files, React Components, Next Js Components, and many other types of frameworks.


Just click on Generator Z and install it on VS code.

Available types of files

You can generate the following types of files using Generator Z:

  • Module: This will generate an entire module with all the necessary files.
  • Controller: This will generate a controller file, also known as Handler.
  • Controller With Validation: This will generate a controller file with validation.
  • Restful Class: This will generate a restful class file.
  • Routes: This will generate a routes file.
  • Model: This will generate a model file.
  • Repository: This will generate a repository file.
  • Output: This will generate an output file.
  • Locales: This will generate a locales file inside utils directory.