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Outputs are classes that are used to map the models to the response body.

How it works

When we return a response from a controller, we send the model instance, for example the user model will be sent to the user.

As mentioned in Sending Custom Objects the response parser does not know what data will be sent from the model, this were Outputs come in handy.

So the output takes a resource which could be an instance of a model, or a plain object. then when the response parser start parsing the body, the output class will return the response data which is the final output that will be sent to the client.

Creating an output

Create inside src/users/output a file and name it user-output.ts with the following content

import { FinalOutput, Output, UploadOutput } from "@warlock.js/core";

export class UserOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
name: "string",
email: "string",
age: "number",

the output class does not really have to much to do, it just ensures that the output data is sent in the correct format.

Now let's update our user model class to link it with the user output

import {
} from "@warlock.js/cascade";
import { Auth, uploadable } from "@warlock.js/core";
import castPassword from "app/users/utils/cast-password";
import UserOutput from "../../output/user-output";

export class User extends Auth {
* Collection name
public static collection = "users";

* Output handler
public static output = UserOutput;

* {@inheritDoc}
protected casts: Casts = {
name: "string",
gender: "string",
image: uploadable,
email: castEmail,

In the previous model class, we added a static property called output and set it to the UserOutput class.

Now whenever an instance of the model is sent to the response, the data of the model will be transformed using the UserOutput class.

Outputs in Outputs

Let's take this scenario, a post has a author object which is an embedded document for the user, and we want to send the post with the author data.

Let's see how we can do this.

First we need to create a new output class for the post, and add the author output to it.

import { FinalOutput, Output } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { UserOutput } from "app/users/output/user-output";

export class PostOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
title: "string",
content: "string",
author: UserOutput,

Now let's create a new post model class and link it with the post output

import { castModel, Casts, Document } from "@warlock.js/cascade";
import { Model, uploadable } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "app/users/models/user/user";

export class Post extends Model {
* Collection name
public static collection = "posts";

* Output handler
public static output = PostOutput;

* {@inheritDoc}
protected casts: Casts = {
title: "string",
content: "string",
author: castModel(User),

Now the post has title, content and the embedded data of the author.

Let's create a new post

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { Post } from "../models/post/post";
import { User } from "app/users/models/user";

export async function createPost(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.find(request.input("authorId"));

if (!user) {
return response.notFound();

const post = new Post({
title: request.input("title"),
content: request.input("content"),


return response.success({

Now the post will be returned, the castModel in the post model will set the embedded data of the user into the post's author field so the post data in database will look like:

"id": 1,
"title": "Post title",
"content": "Post content",
"author": {
"id": 1,
"image": {
"path": "users/1/image.png"
"name": "User name",
"email": ""

Thanks to the PostOutput only the needed data will be sent to the response.

But as you can see in the previous example, the post's author has an image, but we didn't define it yet in the user output, most of the time the image is an instance of Upload model, which already is built in inside Warlock and has as well UploadOutput class.

Let's update the user output to include the image

import { FinalOutput, Output, UploadOutput } from "@warlock.js/core";

export class UserOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
name: "string",
email: "string",
age: "number",
image: UploadOutput,

Now the image will be sent to the response as well.

But since the embedded data doesn't include the user age then it will not be returned.

Custom output handler

We can also define a method in the output class to handle the output data.

Let's take this scenario, we want to return the user's full name instead of the first name only.

import { FinalOutput, Output, UploadOutput } from "@warlock.js/core";

export class UserOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
email: "string",
age: "number",
fullName: this.handleFullName,

* Get the full name
public handleFullName() {
return this.get("firstName") + " " + this.get("lastName");

Extending output

When the application grows, it gets complicated, so we may face a situation where we need to add a new field to the output, but it requires more than just a simple output key, this where extend method comes in handy.

import { FinalOutput, Output, UploadOutput } from "@warlock.js/core";

export class UserOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
email: "string",
age: "number",
fullName: this.handleFullName,

* Get the full name
public handleFullName() {
return this.get("firstName") + " " + this.get("lastName");

* Extend the output
protected async extend() {
if (this.get("id") === 1) {
this.set("isAdmin", true);

We made a check to see if the user id is 1, then we set the isAdmin field to true.

Working with output without models.

Let's see how it works without a model

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { UserOutput } from "../output/user-output";

export async function getUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = {
id: 1,
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",

const output = new UserOutput(user);

return response.success({
user: output,

As you can see, the output class can take a plain object, or an instance of a model, they both are called output resource.

Get value from teh resource

In our previous user output, we used get method to get the value from the passed resource, this allows us to get any value from the given resource using dot notation.

import { FinalOutput, Output, UploadOutput } from "@warlock.js/core";

export class UserOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
email: "string",
age: "number",
fullName: this.handleFullName,

* Get the full name
public handleFullName() {
return this.get("firstName") + " " + this.get("lastName");

* Extend the output
protected async extend() {
if (this.get("id") === 1) {
this.set("isAdmin", true);

this.set("address", this.get("location.address"));

And of course the set method is to set a value to the output data that will be sent to the response.

Output from array

If the data is stored in array, using UserOutput.collect static method will return an array of output resources.

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { UserOutput } from "../output/user-output";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const users = [
id: 1,
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
id: 2,
firstName: "Jane",
lastName: "Doe",

const output = UserOutput.collect(users);

return response.success({
users: output,

Removing value from the data output

To remove a value from the response data, use remove method.

import {
} from "@warlock.js/core";

export class UserOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
email: "string",
age: "number",
fullName: this.handleFullName,
salary: "float",

* Get the full name
public handleFullName() {
return this.get("firstName") + " " + this.get("lastName");

* Extend the output
protected async extend() {
if (this.get("id") === 1) {
this.set("isAdmin", true);

this.set("address", this.get("location.address"));


const { user } = requestContext();

// show salary only for admins
if (!user || user.get("isAdmin") === false) {

In this example, we got the user object from the request context, and we checked if the user is admin or not, if not we removed the salary from the output data.

Built-in types

Warlock has some built-in types that can be used in the output class.

  • int: integer number.
  • float: float number.
  • number: Integer or float number based on the value.
  • string: string.
  • boolean | bool: boolean.
  • date: date.
  • array: Makes sure the returned value is an array.
  • object: Makes sure the returned value is an object.
  • localized: Makes sure the returned value is a string contains the value against the current locale code, Read more about localization detection from localization section.
  • location: It will parse MongoDB GeoJSON object and return the latitude and longitude. in { lat, lng } format.

Date Format

When dealing with date objects, Warlock will format it in multiple formats, so for each date object is sent to the output, the response shape will be like this:

"createdAt": {
"format": "13-07-2023 07:36:31 AM",
"timestamp": 1689222991000,
"humanTime": "4 months ago",
"text": "July 13, 2023 at 7:36:31 AM",
"date": "July 13, 2023"

This give the client developer (Web or mobile apps) the ability to use the date in the format they want.

To customize the format of the format you can override it in the output class by defining dateFormat property:

import { FinalOutput, Output, UploadOutput } from "@warlock.js/core";

export class UserOutput extends Output {
protected dateFormat = "DD-MM-YYYY";

Date format is being transformed using Day.js library.

Renaming output key

If we want to send another key instead of the original key in the resource, add the returning key to the response as the key, and the value will be an array contains two values, the first value will be the key that will be taken from the resource and the second value will be the format.

import { FinalOutput, Output, UploadOutput } from "@warlock.js/core";

export class UserOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
email: "string",
age: "number",
salary: ["monthlySalary", "float"],

Manually using the output class

It's not just related to Warlock response, you can use it to filter the given data and be sent in a certain format based on the output data.

In that sense, you can use it in any place in your application.

import { UserOutput } from "../output/user-output";

async function main() {
const userOutput = new UserOutput({
id: 1,
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
age: new Date().getFullYear() - 1990,

const output = await userOutput.toJSON();


Array Of Outputs

In some scenarios, there is a field where it holds a list of objects, each object may point to an output, for example, a product output may have a list of options where each option has an option object and a value object that are taken from options and optionValues models/outputs, so in this case we need to use arrayOf method to map the product options to the option and option value outputs.

import { FinalOutput, Output, UploadOutput } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { OptionOutput } from "app/options/output/option-output";
import { OptionValueOutput } from "app/options/output/option-value-output";

export class ProductOutput extends Output {
* Output data
protected output: FinalOutput = {
id: "int",
title: "string",
options: this.arrayOf({
option: OptionOutput,
value: OptionValueOutput,