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Warlock Request is the incoming request object, it contains all the information about the request, and it is used to get the request body, query string, headers, and more.

Request params

Request params are the dynamic segments in the request path, for example in the following route:

import { router } from "@warlock.js/core";

router.get("/users/:id", getUser);

In this example, when the user requests /users/1, the id param will be 1.

Let's see how to access it:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function getUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.find(;

Request query string

Query string is the part of the URL after the ? character, for example in the following URL:

The query string is name=John&age=20.

Let's see how to access it:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const users = await User.find({


If the query params has a [] as a key suffix, then it will be treated as an array, for example:[]=1&brands[]=2&brands[]=3 will be parsed as:

const brands = request.query.brands; // [1, 2, 3]

Request body

Request body are the payload data that is being sent in POST PUT PATCH requests, for example in the following request:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.create({
age: request.body.age,


As mentioned in the request query, if the request body input has a [] as a key suffix, then it will be treated as an array, for example:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.create({
age: request.body.age,
brands: request.body.brands, // [1, 2, 3]


Json and Form Data Requests

By default, Warlock parses both types out of the box, so you don't need to add additional work, it will parse the request body and make it available in request.body property.

Request Input

This is the recommended way to access any type of data from request wether it is from params query or body.

To access any value from the request, use the input() method:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.create({
name: request.input("name"),
age: request.input("age"),


The input() method accepts a default value as a second argument if the input is missing.


Using input() method is the recommended way to access request payload regardless of the request method.

Dot Notation Support

When sending a json request, you can use the dot notation to access nested values, for example in the following request:

"user": {
"name": "John",
"age": 20

To get the name value, use the following:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const name = request.input("");


Int Values

As you already know, any value from the request is a string, but sometimes we need to get an integer value, for example in the following request:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const users = await User.find({


This will convert the age value to an integer, if the input is missing or not an integer, it will return 0.

You can of course pass the second argument to the int() method to set a default value.

Float Values

Similar to the int() method, the float() method converts the input value to a float number, if the input is missing or not a float number, it will return 0.

Number Values

This method is a combination of int() and float() methods, it converts the input value to a number, if the input is missing or not a number, it will return 0.

Boolean Values

When using request.bool() method, If the request input is present, then all values will be marked as true except for false value.

When using bool method, if the input's value is false as a string, it will be converted to false as boolean value. :::

Check if request has a value

To check if the request has a value in any payload type, use the has() method:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const hasAge = request.has("age");


Set value to request payload

Sometimes we need to update the request payload with additional data, this usually happens in middleware, to do so, use request.set method

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function auth(request: Request, response: Response) {
const authorizationHeader = request.header("Authorization");

if (!authorizationHeader) {
return response.unauthorized();

const user = await User.find(request.input("id"));

request.set("email", user.get("email"));

Unset values from request

To unset multiple values from the request, use the unset() method:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function auth(request: Request, response: Response) {
const authorizationHeader = request.header("Authorization");

if (!authorizationHeader) {
return response.unauthorized();

request.unset(["id", "name"]);

Get entire request payload

To get the entire request payload, use the all() method:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.create(request.all());


Please note that this method will return the entire request payload, including the params query and body but not including request files.

In some situations, you don't want to get the request params, you need only the request query and body, in this case use allExceptParams method.

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.create(request.allExceptParams());


Get certain values from request

To get certain values from the request payload, use only method, it accepts an array of keys that you want to get from the request payload and returns an object.

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.create(request.only(["name", "age"])); // { name: "John", age: 20 }


Get all values except certain values

To get all values from the request payload except certain values, use except method, it accepts an array of keys that you want to exclude from the request payload and returns an object.

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const user = await User.create(
request.except(["id", "createdAt", "updatedAt"])
); // { name: "John", age: 20 }


Get heavy inputs

Sometimes, a request payload may contain inputs but with empty strings, consider the following request url

If we use request.all() method, it will return the following object:

"id": 1,
"name": "",
"age": 20

To get the heavy inputs, use request.heavy() method, it will return the following object:

This will return the following data

"id": 1,
"age": 20

This will return all data from params query and body.

To get all heavy data except the params data, use request.heavyExceptParams() method, it will return the following object:

"age": 20

Request files

When send a multipart/form-data request, you can access the files using the file method:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export async function createUser(request: Request, response: Response) {
const image = request.file("image");

The file method may return a UploadedFile instance, or null if the file is missing.

If the request contains multiple files with the same name, then the file method will return an array of UploadedFile instances.

For more details about uploaded files, check it in the Uploaded Files Section.


Sometimes you want to validate some inputs on a middleware, or in validation.validate method, in this case, you can use request.validate method, which accepts an object of rules or a Validation Schema:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export default async function login(request: Request, response: Response) {

login.validation = {
validate: async (request: Request, response: Response) => {
const user = await User.findBy("email", request.input("email"));

if (!user) {
return response.badRequest({
email: "Email is not found",

if (user.get("isAdmin")) {
const validator = await request.validate({
superPassword: ["required", "minLength:8"],

// if validation fails, then return the validation by passing the validator to the response
if (validator.fails()) {
return response.validationFailed(validator);

This case we have to first fetch the user from the database then perform validation, if the user is not found, then we return a bad request response, if the user is found, then we check if the user is an admin, if the user is an admin, then we validate the superPassword input, if the validation fails, then we return a validation failed response.

Get validated inputs only

To get only the validated inputs that are listed in validation.rules object, use request.validated() method:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";
import { User } from "./../models/user";

export default async function login(request: Request, response: Response) {
const { email, password } = request.validated(); // will return only the email and password

login.validation = {
rules: {
email: ["required", "email"],
password: ["required"],

If an input is listed in the rules object but not required and missing, then it will not be returned, for example if we added gender: in:male,female in this case, the gender input is optional, if not present in the request payload, it will be ignored.

Request headers

Request headers are the HTTP headers sent with the request, for example the Accept header, Content-Type header, and more.

To get a single header, use the header() method:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const acceptHeader = request.header("Accept");


It may accept a default value for second argument if the header is missing:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const acceptHeader = request.header("Accept", "application/json");


To get all headers, use the headers property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const headers = request.headers;


Request Authorization value

If the Authorization header is present in the request, you can get its value using the authorization property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const authorization = request.authorization;


It will return the value of the Authorization header, if the header is not present, it will return null.

Authorization Value

To get the authorization value use authorizationValue property instead, for example if the request Authorization header is:

Authorization: key apiKey

Then the authorizationValue will be apiKey.

If it contains a Bearer Token then the token will be returned directly without the Bearer prefix.

Request path

Get current request path using the path property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const path = request.path;


Request url

Get current request url using the url property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const url = request.url;


Get full url

To get the full url (not including the query string) use fullUrl property instead:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const fullUrl = request.fullUrl;

fullUrl, //

Request Ip

To get the request IP, use the ip property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const ip = request.ip;


This will work as it will return the current ip address, however, if the app is running under a proxy, it will return the proxy ip address, to get the real ip address, use the realIp property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const ip = request.realIp;


This works by trying to get the ip from the x-real-ip, if the header is not found, then a x-forwarded-for header is used, if the header is not found, then the default ip will be returned.

User Agent

To get the user agent, use the userAgent property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const userAgent = request.userAgent;


Request Referer

To get the request referer, use the referer property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const referer = request.referer;


Request Method

To get the request method, use the method property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getUsers(request: Request, response: Response) {
const method = request.method;


Request hostname

Request hostname property returns the hostname of the request, for example in the following request:

The hostname is

request.domain is an alias for request.hostname.

If the application is running under a proxy, then use originalDomain instead.

Request Protocol

Request protocol property returns the protocol of the request, for example in the following request:
console.log(request.protocol); // https

Request Locale Code

When dealing with a multilingual apps, its important to know the current locale code, to get the current locale code, use the locale property:

import { Request, Response } from "@warlock.js/core";

export async function getLocale(request: Request, response: Response) {
const locale = request.locale;


The locale property will try to find one of the following headers in the incoming request to fetch the locale code from

  • translation-locale-code
  • locale-code
  • locale

If none of the headers is found, then it will return the default locale code from Application default Locale Code Configuration.