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Create New Document

In the previous section, we've seen how to create a document by creating a new instance of the model then calling the save method, this is a way, let's recap it quickly.

Creating a model

To create a model, you need to extend the Model class and define the collection property.

import { Model } from "@warlock.js/cascade";

export class User extends Model {
* The collection name
public static collection = "users";

Creating a model instance

When creating a new model instance, you optionally pass an object of the data that will be saved (created).

import { User } from "./models/user";

const user = new User({
name: "Hasan Zohdy",
email: "",
isActive: true,

This only creates an instance of the model, but the data is not saved yet, now let's see how to save the data.

Saving a model instance

To save a model instance, you need to call the save method.

import { User } from "./models/user";

async function main() {
const user = new User({
name: "Hasan Zohdy",
email: "",
isActive: true,


console.log(; // outputs all data

Using the create method

A more preferred way to create a new model instance and save it is to use the static create method.

import { User } from "./models/user";

async function main() {
const user = await User.create({
name: "Hasan Zohdy",
email: "",
isActive: true,

console.log(; // outputs all data

This is more easier and cleaner, and it's the recommended way to create a new model instance and save it.