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Default values

When creating new model, you can specify default values for fields. These values will be used when creating new records if the field is not specified.

import { Model } from '@warlock.js/cascade'

export class Post extends Model {
* Collection name
public static collection = "posts";

* {@inheritDoc}
public defaultValue: Document = {
isActive: false,

* {@inheritDoc}
protected casts: Casts = {
title: "string",
content: "string",
isActive: "boolean",

We can also use callbacks to set default values for each field:

import { Model } from '@warlock.js/cascade'

export class Post extends Model {
* Collection name
public static collection = "posts";

* {@inheritDoc}
public defaultValue: Document = {
isActive: false,
views: () => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); // random number between 0 and 1000

* {@inheritDoc}
protected casts: Casts = {
title: "string",
content: "string",
isActive: "boolean",