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Fetching Documents


The Model class is shipped with powerful methods that allows you to fetch documents from the database, let's see it in depth.

Getting all documents

To fetch all documents from database, you can use the list method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const users = await User.list();

This will fetch all documents from database and return an array of models.

Not Recommended

This is not recommended to be used if the collection contains a lot of documents, as it will load all documents into memory and may lead to performance issues, use paginate method instead.

Getting documents with certain filters

To fetch documents with certain filters, you can use the same list method but with a filter object:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const users = await User.list({
isActive: true,

You can add any acceptable syntax to the find method in MongoDB, you may also add second argument as options.

Finding Document By Id

To find a document by its id, you can use the find method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const user = await User.find(5123);

This will return a single model instance, if no document found, it will return null.


The find method accepts the value of the id property not _id property.

Finding Document By certain field

To find a document by certain field, you can use the findBy method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const user = await User.findBy("_id", "5f9d2f5b2c9f6a1e3c9b1b1a");

This will return a single model instance, if no document found, it will return null.

Get first document

To get the first document of the collection, you can use the first method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const user = await User.first();

You may pass a filter object to the first method to get the first document that matches the filter:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const user = await User.first({
isActive: true,

Get last document

To get the last document of the collection, you can use the last method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const user = await User.last();

You may pass a filter object to the last method to get the last document that matches the filter:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const user = await User.last({
isActive: true,

Count collection documents

To count the number of documents in a collection, you can use the count method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const count = await User.count();

You may pass a filter object to the count method to count the number of documents that matches the filter:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const count = await User.count({
isActive: true,

The count method may receive a second argument as options, it accepts the same options as the countDocuments method in MongoDB.

Get distinct values

To get distinct values of a field in a collection, you can use the distinct method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const emails = await User.distinct("email");

This will return an array of distinct values of the email field.

To add more filters, you can pass a filter object as a second argument:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const activeEmails = await User.distinct("email", {
isActive: true,

Explain query

To get the query explanation, you can use the explain method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const explanation = await User.explain({
isActive: true,

This will return an object that contains the query explanation.


To paginate the results, you can use the paginate method:

import { User } from "./models/user";

const { documents: users, paginationInfo } = await User.paginate(1, 10);


This will return an object that contains the paginated documents and pagination information.

The paginationInfo will return an object containing the following schema:

type PaginationInfo = {
* Limit of the query
limit: number;
* Results of the query
result: number;
* Current page of the query
page: number;
* total results of the query
total: number;
* total pages of the query
pages: number;
Please Note That

The returned documents are an array of models not plain objects.


To chunk the results, you can use the chunk method, the idea here is to split the returned documents into chunks, and pass each chunk to a callback function:

import { User } from "./models/user";

await User.chunk(10, (users) => {

You may also pass an object of filters, but it MUST contain limit property:

import { User } from "./models/user";

await User.chunk(
limit: 10,
isActive: true,
(users) => {

To get the pagination information, you can pass a second callback function:

import { User } from "./models/user";

await User.chunk(
limit: 10,
isActive: true,
(users) => {
(paginationInfo) => {

To stop executing the chunk, you can return false from the callback function.