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Model Data


As mentioned earlier, each model instance represents a document in the database, in this section we'll see how to manage and access the data of the model.

Getting all data

Let's take a simple example of a user model:

import { Model, Casts } from "@warlock.js/cascade";

export class User extends Model {

* Collection name
public static collection = "users";

* {@inheritDoc}
protected casts: Casts = {
name: "string",
email: "string",
password: "string",
age: "number",
isActive: "boolean",
import { User } from "./models/user";

async function main() {
const user = await User.create({
name: "Hasan Zohdy",
email: "",
age: 25,
isActive: true,
birthDate: new Date("1995-01-01"),



This will create a new user, and the will be something like this:

"id": 512312,
"_id": "5f9b1b3c1b9c4e0b4c7b23a1",
"name": "Hasan Zohdy",
"email": "",
"age": 25,
"isActive": true,
"birthDate": "1995-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdAt": "2020-10-30T12:00:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-10-30T12:00:00.000Z"

Getting model id

To get model id, you can use the id property:

console.log(; // 512312
Be aware

If you're creating a new user using the new operator, the id will be undefined until you save the model.

This id is auto generated when the model is saved for the first time, and it's a unique number for each document in the database.

Getting model _id

This is the builtin MongoDB id, it's a unique string for each document in the database.

To get model _id, you can use the _id property:

console.log(user._id); // ObjectId("5f9b1b3c1b9c4e0b4c7b23a1")
Be aware

If you're creating a new user using the new operator, the _id will be undefined until you save the model.

Getting a specified field

To get a specified field, you can use the get method:

console.log(user.get("name")); // Hasan Zohdy

If the field doesn't exist, it will return undefined, you can then pass a default value as a second argument:

console.log(user.get("name", "John Doe")); // Hasan Zohdy
console.log(user.get("address", "John Doe")); // John Doe

You can also get the field using the dot notation:

console.log(user.get("")); // Cairo

Check if field exists

To check if a field exists, you can use the has method:

console.log(user.has("name")); // true
console.log(user.has("")); // false

Get all data except specific fields

To get all data except specific fields, you can use the except method:

console.log(user.except(["name", "age"]));

This will return all data except the name and age fields.

Get only specific fields

To get only specific fields, you can use the only method:

console.log(user.only(["name", "age"]));

Set a specified field

To set a specified field, you can use the set method:

user.set("name", "John Doe");

You can also set a field using the dot notation:

user.set("", "Cairo");

Adding multiple fields

If you want to set multiple fields at once use merge method:

name: "John Doe",
age: 25,

This will set or update the name and age fields.

Unset fields

To unset a field, you can use the unset method:


You can also unset a field using the dot notation:


You can pass as many fields as you want:

user.unset("name", "age", "");

Increment a field

To increment a field, you can use the increment method:


You can also increment a field using the dot notation:


You may also set the amount of increment:

user.increment("age", 5);

Decrement a field

To decrement a field, you can use the decrement method:


You can also decrement a field using the dot notation:


You may also set the amount of decrement:

user.decrement("age", 5);

Original Data

As data is mutated during the usage of the model, the updated data are accessible via the data property.

Original data are the data that were fetched from the database or the onces that was passed to the model constructor, these data are kept untouched, and you can access them using the original property:
